About us


The U.S. Philippines Friendship Organization (USPFO) was founded in 1992 and is a local non-profit organization with global reach based on Filipino heritage which seeks to preserve their culture through their children, family, and friends while supporting Filipinos adjusting to the American lifestyle and in times of need provide social, physical and financial support to Filipinos and their families. USPFO seeks to promote community awareness of their culture through the raising of monetary donations to local charitable causes and charities in the Philippines


Our goals


To interact and participate with m ilitary and civilian activities, planning and organizing youth, senior citizen, church and multi-cultural programs, and to be able to make significant contributions that will impact the betterment and success of these programs within the Abilene community.


To reach out to like organizations in other communities sharing a common purpose and participate in joint activities that would benefit and serve these communities.


Creat an atmosphere of growth, cooperation and understanding among military and civilian multi-cultural backgrounds.




We meet on the first sunday of each month unless it falls on a holiday then it is the following weekend. We meet at 5pm in the Grover and Marie Nelson Center behind Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 853 Jeanette St.

USPFO Officers

President                     Dr. Daniel Jereza

Vice-president            Julio Martinez  

Treasurer                    James Goodman

Secretary                     Marianne Sabo

Entertainment            Donna Copple 
